Life at Hope College

How to Survive The Pre-Thanksgiving Break Itch

You can feel it in your bones – the need to get out, to put down your pencil, to print out the final draft of your ten-page research paper, close your computer, and breathe.

I feel it, too. The itch, the annoyance, the anxiousness that hits us every time we’re about to go on break. We students know that within days we will be home with our families enjoying a warm dinner, laughing with our siblings about moronic things we did when we were little (because we’re probably still sitting at the kids table, let’s be honest here), and attempting not to count down the days until we have to return for the daunting and unavoidable: finals.

Hope is a lovely place… but the stress from classes and extracurriculars hits you by this point in the semester. If you can’t scratch the pre-break itch, you might drive yourself crazy. Here are a few suggestions on getting through the last few class days before Thanksgiving:

  1. Don’t save all of your homework until the night before it’s due. You’ll be up all night, bitter that you’re in the library when you want to be in your warm bed at home. Instead, break the homework up the weekend before, maybe try to get a little bit ahead. That way, when you’re daydreaming about your grandma’s famous mashed potatoes and stuffing, you won’t be getting as far behind on your work.
  2. Use your favorite study spot. Everyone should have the place on campus that they go to and get the most work done. Mine varies on how willing I am to walk to the library as opposed to Lubbers.
  3. Have a Friendsgiving. Not only do you get to eat Thanksgiving food one more time than usual, but you also get to relax and spend time with your friends before going on break. A lot of halls will actually throw Thanksgiving dinners together (ie. Phelps has Phelpsgiving). I wasn’t able to go, but it can be the perfect study break and exactly what you need!

There are only three tips because, let’s be real here, getting over the hump between those two papers and one exam is pretty difficult. Only so much can be done to make it easier.

In other news, in case you haven’t already seen or heard, the first big snow came to Holland this weekend! Here’s the view from my window.

Wherever you are, I hope you’re making it through the week to Thanksgiving. Take the time to be thankful for your education and the life you’ve been given, but don’t feel guilty for complaining about the fidgeting, restless feeling of just wanting to be home, because that’s something to be thankful for too.

Have a great week and happy Thanksgiving,


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