Life at Hope College

Running in Holland

Do you like to run? Here is a haiku containing my answer to that question:

Running is fun but

It’s literally the worst

How’s that possible?

I ran cross country and track in high school, and so did my parents and my older brothers and my uncles (one of my uncles was actually my coach!), so I’ve kind of always been around running. I have gotten way out of the routine of running over the past couple years, partially because of back injuries and partially out of laziness and a lack of time, but this week I’ve been running again and it feels good. I downloaded the Nike Running app which tracks your time and mileage and lets you see what your friends are doing. I only have 2 friends right now, but one of them is my brother, and my main goal with this app, unbeknownst to him, is to run further than him (but definitely not faster). Ethan, if you’re reading this, I’m sorry, but you should have known this would happen when you friend requested me. Ha!

Part of the reason I’ve started running again is that I really want to run the Dance Marathon 5K in October as long as I don’t have to work. I also just enjoy running around Holland because I always discover something new! Just this morning I ran past a coffeeshop that I didn’t know existed and now I’m so excited to go there. Here are a few cool places that I have enjoying running to (or through) so far!

Windmill Island

This photo is the property of renny67 on Flickr, and I am using it here under a Creative Commons license.

Distance from campus: About 1.25 miles, depending on where you live on campus and whether or not you run all the way around the loop at Windmill Island.

Windmill Island is probably the #1 spot for runners in Holland to Instagram in the middle of their run. It’s a really cool place in Holland that is super scenic to run through.

Holland Historic District

Distance from campus: 0.25-1.25 miles, depending on where you live on campus and which part of the historic district you want to run through. I like the part that is further away, nearer to Kollen Park and the Holland Civic Center!

I love looking at the well-kept, older homes in this section of town. It’s pretty close to campus, so it’s easy to incorporate into a running route. I always see new things when I run through the Historic District!

Kollen Park

I discovered this on a run to Kollen Park one time. I am a sucker for boats!

Distance from campus: About 1 mile, depending on where you live.

I love running to Kollen Park because it’s right on Lake Macatawa. I love being around boats and water, so running here is totally worth it to me.

Window on the Waterfront Park

Distance from campus: A little less than a mile, depending on where you live.

Window on the Waterfront is cool because it is also on Lake Mac and it has some trails that go through it. It’s also located really close to Windmill Island, so you can easily combine both those spots into one run!

Since none of these places are too far from campus, I like to combine more than one of them into a run and add in some other stuff through other sections of town to get the mileage that I want. I almost always run to at least one of these spots though, because I know I will enjoy it!

Where do you like to run? Let me know or just keep up with me on Twitter (@hopekathryn17), Instagram (@kathrynekrieger), or shoot me an email at Thanks for reading!

“The Sovereign LORD is my strength! He makes me as surefooted as a deer, able to tread upon the heights.”

– Habakkuk 3:19

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