Life at Hope College

First Afternoon of Summer

Hey Everybody! So in my last blog I said that I wouldn’t be
writing any more until next year, but I have one more for you. Yesterday was my
last day of finals, so once the clock struck 2:30 PM, I was DONE! It’s so weird
to think that I am officially a Junior in college now! Well, right when I
finished my test, my friend and I moved a bunch of my stuff from my dorm into
my family cottage, where I’ll be staying this May. Just leaving campus and
driving around with music blasting and the windows down makes it feel like
summer!!!! After we moved my stuff, we just drove around for about an hour—one of
my favorite things in the world is just cruise around and explore the area. We
drove by some friend’s houses and then went to my friend Audrey’s house and
hung out for a few minutes and played with her dog, which was really nice. I
haven’t been able to play with a dog in such a long time, so seeing that cute
tail wag just brightened my day.

Anyway, it’s been really warm here lately, so
Audrey and I had the idea to get slushies. Seriously, that was the best choice
ever because it was amazingly refreshing. Unfortunately, we had to go back to
school and get some things done, but since it was such a beautiful day, my
friend Liz and I decided to go to the beach. We expected to see a few people
down there that we knew, but I kid you not, a huge chunk of Hope College was
down there on the pier to watch the sunset. There were some clouds so the
actually sunset wasn’t the best, but seeing everybody gathered at the beach was
really fun. Shortly after leaving the beach, Liz and I had a huge craving for
ice cream so we headed down to Captain Sundae’s and once again, a bunch of
people from school were there that had the same craving as we did. Seeing
friends and somewhat regretting eating a huge thing of ice cream was one of the
best ways of finishing up sophomore year at school. With today devoted to
finishing packing, people are starting to leave, which makes me sad everytime
but knowing that I’ll be here for May and some of my friends will be around
just makes me that much more excited for this summer!

Well, I’m pretty sure that this is my last blog until the
Fall, so I hope you all have a safe and fun summer. Don’t forget to follow me
on Twitter @hopeleslie15.

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