Life at Hope College

Choose Your Kingdom

There’s a kingdom that reigns in each one of us. A kingdom that was built to be explored.

I’ve been praying a lot lately. Praying that my career and life and all that is ahead would somehow fall into place before my eyes. But I know life doesn’t work that way.

So I celebrate the little victories and mourn in the little disappointments. I think that’s the one thing we miss sometimes. It’s hard to rejoice when we know others are in pain, and it can be difficult to be sad and not feel like a burden.

And one day in early August, I was sitting at a table outside of a restaurant in Scotland with my mom and I pitched to her an idea that has now changed my life forever.

I’ve been involved with the Hope College Center for Faithful Leadership Incubator since last January. It’s a program that sponsors students to develop ideas and support them as they begin their entrepreneurial journey. I worked with social media app development January through August; however, one of the most important tasks of an entrepreneur is to pivot.

So, I created a company. A company that is not so much a business as it is a company that provides a companionship for you reign your kingdom.

It’s called Reign Outfitters. It’s a clothing line designed for you and your journey. We know the importance in being prepared. But we go farther than your backpack and boots. It’s a clothing line designed for the health of your heart, mind, body and spirit.

Photo credit: Haley Menzies Photography

I’ve spent the last month and a half preparing for our launch (sorry I haven’t been around!) but now that it’s here, I’m filled with great joy.

Take heart, my friends. You can start a business in college.

You can find great support, mentorship and assistance in doing so during your time at Hope.

We’re growing in community with one another every day, and what great joy it is build a company with a focus on real community. We’re a company with a focus on potential, one that strives to grow good seeds to build a community of real life with a faith influence.

I want to be okay with not being in control and watch in awe as I read the novel of my life.

And most of all, I want you to come with me. Whether you check out our website or take a rain check, my message is the same: darkness and light can’t dwell in the same place. You can decide what holds the truth in your life. Choose your kingdom.

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