Life at Hope College

Bible Journaling

I believe that there are many languages in life. Of course there’s the spoken one- English, French, Chinese, Spanish, Dutch, etc. In my mind I see many other languages too: love languages, the language in actions, and different learning languages; these are all different ways that we go about life. They’re a part of who we are.

My learning language, or the way I feel I best grow and learn, is through words. I’m a huge note taker; yes, I’m that girl scribbling down every word the professor says as fast as she can so that I can go back and study it later. When I feel lost, jotting down my thoughts clears my mind. When I’m inspired, I write creatively.

Last year I struggled growing in my faith. Yes, students at Hope struggle with faith. We’re not perfect disciples with amazing discernment. I felt stuck, like I wasn’t progressing from where I stood in my faith in high school; I wasn’t growing in the one area I truly needed to.

I never thought to apply the way that I learn in classes and the way that I express myself creatively to my spiritual life. At the beginning of the year I began noticing people with journals at Chapel (a twenty minute worship every Monday, Wednesday, Friday) and the Gathering (A service every Sunday from 8pm to 9:30). That’s when it clicked to me that maybe getting a journal of my own would help me journey deeper into my faith. I went to the bookstore and  bought a small journal for a few dollars.

Since then, I’ve been taking notes at Chapel, the Gathering, and my bible study. I cannot explain the difference that it’s made in my faith and journey with God, just in a few short weeks. After listening and writing down key points and verses, I usually reflect on how the message applies to my own life. I can look back on these entries any time I want or need to, and it has made such a difference.

I encourage you to look at the ways you learn or progress in your life and apply it to your faith or something that you feel you need growing in. Maybe you’re an auditory learner? You can listen to chapel and Gathering audio recordings here.

Thanks for reading,


If you have any questions for me you can contact me at, through Facebook, or my Twitter @hopebrooke18! I’d love to answer them!

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