Life at Hope College

Winter Favorites!

I LOVE winter and Christmas, except maybe the part where it’s freezing cold all the time. I think winter is so beautiful and I just love everything about the Christmas season. Here are some of my favorite parts!

Christmas Songs

I love Christmas carols and just most songs about winter and stuff in general. They make me so happy! Here is a playlist of a few of my favorites!

Giving Gifts

In the past couple years, I’ve realized how much fun it really is to give gifts to people. I think I get more excited for the recipients to open their presents than they do sometimes. So many people have such an awesome giving spirit during this busy time of year. Check out what awesome things the Durfee Hall men are doing right now! 

Celebrating Jesus

I have always loved celebrating Advent and singing Christmas carols in church. I think it’s so cool and such a great way to relax from how busy we are and remember what the Christmas season is really about. I always like to read the Christmas story in Luke around this time of year, and I especially love Mary’s song, the Magnificat, which we actually talked about in Chapel this week. She is so joyful and thankful, even though she is about to face a lot of adversity in her community, and I think that’s so cool. I love to read the story of Jesus’ birth. Which brings me to my next point…

Charlie Brown Christmas

A Charlie Brown Christmas!


Linus has always been my favorite… But the little guy just really melts my heart in this one when he reads the Christmas story for everyone.



Family Time

My brothers and I at church on the Sunday before Christmas. I guess this might have been a few years ago.



I love having my whole family home for Christmas. It’s always so relaxed and fun and we have so many traditions (like watching A Christmas Story for like 24 hours straight…!).



I could name so many more, but these are just a few of my favorite parts! What do you love about winter and Christmas? Let me know by leaving a comment, emailing me at or tweeting @hopekathryn17!

“Glory to God in highest heaven,

and peace on earth to those with whom God is pleased.”

-Luke 2:14


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