Life at Hope College

Why Social Media Is Important In College

Love it or hate it, we live in a time in history when a dress that looks white to some people and blue to others can spread across the internet (and the world) in a matter of minutes. This is largely due to social media. While sites like Twitter and Facebook can get annoying FAST, they can also be super helpful, especially in college. I feel like checking social media on a somewhat regular basis definitely keeps me in the loop about what’s going on at Hope and around Holland. Different departments, clubs, organizations, businesses, restaurants, and more all use their social media accounts very well and very often, and keeping track of these can help me make sure I don’t miss anything important! Here’s how I use each of my social media platforms on a daily basis!

Twitter is definitely my most-used social media platform. Tons of different people and groups around Hope and Holland use it, from President Knapp to Downtown Holland, the religion department to Dance Marathon, and everything in between. Many groups, professors, or campus offices post quick reminders about events happening that day, deadlines, or thought-provoking articles to chew on. A lot of times, I post about things I am up to, what I’m learning about, or things I’m looking forward to! Here are a couple pictures I posted on Twitter from my trip to Chicago this weekend:

I saw Sue the dinosaur at the Field Museum in Chicago!
I saw a Bulls game this weekend! Let’s not talk about the horrible things that have happened on the team since the game I saw last Saturday. I am heartbroken and miss Derrick Rose already.

I really like Twitter and think it’s a helpful way to keep up with what’s going on around campus!

Many campus organizations and places around Holland also have Instagram accounts. They often post helpful visual reminders of important things that are happening, recaps of events that have already gone on, or, in the case of stores in downtown Holland, super informative posts about sales (on second thought, maybe I should follow less of those stores on Instagram…). I like Instagram because I can see all the cool things that are going on around Holland. Here’s my latest post!

It was cool for me to be able to use Instagram to try to raise money for Dance Marathon! It was definitely a super helpful way for me to get the word out about Dance Marathon and why it is so important to me!

One of the main ways I use Facebook is in the group for my residence hall. It helps me get the word out about Dance Marathon fundraisers, all-hall events, and other campus happenings. It’s also a great place to look for rides home for breaks or to share things that become valuable resources in college, like HDMI cables and butter (you’d be surprised how many baking supplies are graciously donated to and from other Dykstra residents on a daily basis). There is also a Facebook app for students that are admitted to Hope for fall 2015, and I get to talk to prospective students on there since I am a student blogger. I love answering questions and chatting with people who will be on campus next year!

How do you use social media? Let me know on Twitter (@hopekathryn17), Instagram (@kathrynekrieger), or email me at Thanks for reading!

Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise. Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.

– Hebrews 10:23-25

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