Life at Hope College

New Year’s Resolutions – Let’s Be Real


It’s the New Year. *kazoo makes an obnoxious sound*
Ok, so this means I should make a list, right? Of all the things I want to fix and change?

So here are my goals for 2014:

Now, out of my list of resolutions, I can guarantee you that I share one resolution with someone from the world. But my question to you, and myself is that why should one day dictate what your goals are? It really intrigues me to see what others have to say about their new year’s resolutions, such as, “world peace” or “ending poverty.” Then I ask myself, “So how do you plan on making that work this year?”

Over the years, New Year’s Resolutions have empowered people and society to make a change. Heck, even stores take advantage of New Year’s Resolutions. But how will changing yourself end poverty and give world peace? Again, I ask you all why should one day dictate your goals for the following 364 days that follow?

January 1st of any year is just an ordinary day, like March 8th, or May 20th. If we really want to be successful in our goals for ourselves, we must strive for them the rest of the year. We also need the flexibility to change or make revisions to our goals! Here’s my point, New Year’s Day is just like any other day. We need to treat today, and the following 364 days this year the same. We need to have the same expectations for ourselves everyday. And in doing so, we can reach a long-term goal.

Many people want to lose weight. This is just a fact. People do so well in the first couple of weeks and months, but as time ticks by, people start getting into their old habits again. Why does this happen? If you want a sense of renewal, an opportunity to press the restart button per se, you merely can’t change yourself. Actually why would you change yourself? We are created to be who we are. All we need to do is adjust our lifestyle. If we slowly do this, I think people will be so happy with themselves. This doesn’t simply apply to losing weight. This is so applicable to all goals. If I want my grades to change, I can’t just become a genius. I have to work hard everyday to change the way I live to make room for more studying, then THAT will lead to better grades.

There is this quote by Eleanor Roosevelt that’s a good one; let it sink your head.

“Do one thing everyday that scares you.”

We are so used to our lifestyle and habits, that it makes us grip to them tighter. But in reality, we have to start with little changes. That in itself is scary. But, you achieved your goal for the day, you did something that scared you.

You might not agree with anything I say, but I just wanted to share how I feel. Take ownership for your life and actions, improve upon them by working hard everyday. We only live once, but if we do it right, once is enough.

Thoughts? Comments? Concerns? I want to hear them all!

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