Life at Hope College

Top 5 Times You Should Listen to Ben Rector

Ben Rector’s music happens to be pretty popular here around Hope College, and who can blame us? His songs are chill, beautiful, meaningful, beautiful, interesting, beautiful, great, beautiful, fun, beautiful, relatable, and beautiful. Here are the top five times you should listen to them!

5. Health Dynamics class

Health dy is kind of like the college equivalent of P.E. class, and it’s a general education requirement here at Hope, so everybody takes it. Per doctor’s orders because of my back, I’m not allowed to do most of what my class does, so I usually end up walking around the track or riding a stationary bike for an hour. Perfect time to listen to some BR.

4. In the car

Ben Rector was a huge part of my playlist for the drive from Illinois to Holland in August. He’s also the #1 played music in my car as I travel throughout West Michigan. It’s great windows down, singing along music.

3. Homework time

Since Ben’s music is pretty chill, it’s not too distracting to listen to while I do homework! His songs are great background tunes for studying or paper writing.

2. When he comes to Hope College

Most perfect concert I could have ever dreamed up. I loved Ben’s show at Hope in September.

Ben’s concert was so perfect!

1. All the time.

There’s never, ever, ever a bad time to listen to Ben Rector. He’s great. If you aren’t familiar with his tunes, you should definitely change that. Your whole life will probably change.


What’s your favorite Ben Rector song? Let me know on Twitter (@hopekathryn17), Instagram (@kathrynekrieger), or via email at!

“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.”

– Colossians 3:16


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