Life at Hope College

Thoughts from Places: Dykstra Hall Cluster 3-1

Hi everyone!

I enjoy watching John and Hank Green’s YouTube videos on their channel called the Vlogbrothers. Occasionally they will do “Thoughts from Places” videos in which they detail the things going through their minds as they travel to various places.

I thought that I would put my own twist on the Thoughts from Places, and do it in blog form. So here we have Thoughts from Places: Dykstra Hall Cluster 3-1.

I never thought I would call a place with so many girls my home. After all, I grew up with two brothers and it’s not to say that I didn’t have friends at home, I just had a few that I enjoyed the company of very much.

This is my cluster. It houses 13 girls, 11 of whom are freshmen (my RA and her roommate live in our cluster). I’m happy to say that we get along pretty well.

For those of you who know nothing about Dykstra, it’s an all-girls freshmen dorm organized by living spaces like the one shown above that we call clusters. I was really nervous coming into living here because of my tendency to be quiet and my avoidance of drama. It hasn’t really been a problem for me, since I don’t get involved.

I’m here to tell you that, as a prospective student, if you’re considering living in Dykstra but you’re worried about there being too many girls, don’t. The reason I say that is because while you’re living with all of these people, you really have a choice in the words and actions that you say and use. You get to choose what you do or don’t involve yourself in.

Some great things about Dykstra:

So I hope I’ve given you a bit of a better perspective on living in Dykstra. It’s a great place for a lot of girls who call it their home.

If you have any questions for me you can contact me at, through Facebook, or my twitter @hopebrooke18! I’d love to answer them!

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