Life at Hope College

Alexander’s Adventures in the Midwest

A slice of Holland basking in the late afternoon sun
A slice of Holland basking in the late afternoon sun

Its been good to get back to Hope; to the rolling greens of the Pine Grove, the austere brickwork of century-old buildings like Van Vleck Hall and academic buildings on campus. To friends, professors, teammates, roommates and even the faculty members in dining halls and work crews. Its been good to walk along the spotless chrome-lit halls of Lubbers, peeking into the brightly furnished classrooms, walls lined with the posters of annual study abroad trips and monuments to academic and cultural accomplishments. Its been good to rediscover Phelps, to wander amongst sleek 21st century chrome and pinewood decor whilst pining for the warmer summer camp atmosphere of the old Dining Hall. Its been good to exchange greetings with warm familiar faces, reignite old friendships, relive the old passions of sporting and college events. Yes, its been good to come back to my Hope, the Hope I know and love, the hope of my future…and perhaps yours…

As this summer of 2014 draws to a close, slinking behind fall’s curtain of draughts with every passing week, I’d like to offer thanks; to friends then and now, who have challenged my physical, mental and educational growth. To the nation that embraced a young man from Ghana, West Africa, and the small college town that fed him in mind and body, sheltering him as one of its own. And to you, my dearest readers; college hopefuls, parents young and old, editors and co-workers; to you I say thank you. Thank you… for the kindness of the past, the warmth of the present and the alluring mysteries of future.

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