Life at Hope College

Suddenly It’s December.

Thanksgiving just happened.

A week and a half remain in the semester.

This weird El Niño winter is dropping rain showers instead of pretty snow on campus.

It seems like October was yesterday yet now it is suddenly December and any student you ask is feeling it.

The last few weeks of the semester are a rush and a drag all at the same time. There is so much to do in too little time that there never seems to be enough time in a day. Yet the four hours you spent on that paper dragged on and on even though you still feel like you got nothing done.

It’s the time of year when stress is abundant and I find any tips to deal with it are appreciated so here are my top 3.

1. Sleep

Sleep is best when a book isn’t your pillow

I tend to be a “do as I say, not as I do” kind of person with this one, but I can’t help but admit that going to bed and having brain power to be productive the next day is consistently more beneficial than staying up all night to get stuff done.

2. Crafting (or fun study break of your choice)

My latest crafting exploits.

Personally, crafting is a key reliever of stress. It gets my mind on something else that is in its own right productive. Whether it be making 20 paper snowflakes, painting names on stockings, putting Post-It notes all over my roommates bunk bed, or making some Christmas pine cones with red and green glitter, stepping away from studying and school work to put my mind to another task that I can complete and feel confident about is worth the time.

3. Social time

Friends that eat together help eachother relax and realize they aren’t the only one acting weird because this time of semester is all kinds of crazy

As much as holing up on the fourth floor of the library sounds distraction free and full of productivity (and it might be!), taking the time to go to a meal with friends, laugh at a couple Youtube videos with your roommate, going to the Dow with your workout buddy, etc., will help you refresh, de-stress, and enjoy yourself a bit. All work and no play is no way to have a less stressful day.

Thanks for reading!

I hope you have a great week with as little stress as possible.

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