Life at Hope College

Student Life at Hope!

My expectations about college life were shaped by what I saw on the tv show Gilmore Girls… Rory consistently spent her free time back at home in Stars Hollow. Before college, friends warned me that small schools are often “suitcase schools,” where every student packs up and goes home over the weekend. Since I wasn’t planning on doing this, I was scared that college would be lonely. Luckily, Hope doesn’t fit the suitcase stereotype. I’ve found there’s always people around, and always something to do. If you don’t know where to start, let’s talk about a few ways you could get involved with student life here.

I think that the living community is a great place to start. First year students will have an RA and an RD that have been hired due to their leadership and mentoring capacities. They put on events such as Procrastination Pancakes or Bachelor Watch Parties to build community and create a safe home base for residents. Campus life starts within your hall, and it’s a great place to meet some friendly faces.

Hope has a group called the Student Activities Committee that consistently organizes events for students. There are so many fun events that SAC has put on this year alone. In early fall, for example, Jordy Searcy (a popular singer/songwriter) came to campus with SAC and put on a concert in Dimnent Chapel. SAC also does annual events like Silent Disco, Fall Fest, and Spring Fling.

Jordy Searcy concert!

There’s also plenty of groups that students can get involved with at Hope. Things like intramural sports, the Pull, Nykerk, Dance Marathon, or Greek Life often yield community for students. Joining a Bible Study and going on an immersion trip are two of the ways that I’ve loved spending time and meeting people here at Hope.

Student life at Hope is multifaceted, but there’s truly so many opportunities to get involved and find your people. Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone, to try something new, or to go to an event alone– you’ll be surprised what can happen!

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