Life at Hope College

New Year, New Home, Same Hope.

Gone are my days of boiling pierogies, listening to my Belarusian manager give advice on boys, make up and marriage, and summertime adventures with friends and family.

Classes are in full swing and I still find it hard to believe that I am starting my junior year. This year I am an RA in a cottage which means I get to live with some of my best friends here at Hope.

Obligatory first day of school picture.

This new cottage life has us all pretty excited. Our space has upgraded from a 16’x10′ room to an entire house, we get to decorate said house, we can have family dinners, movie nights and have a freezer that will keep ice cream frozen.

Best of all, I get to share a home with some of the most important people to me on this campus. Together we get to navigate round three of our undergrad experiences. I am very thankful that in two short years I’ve met people I can go on fun adventures with, stress eat next to without judgment, and talk to about anything. I’ve found my Hope family. And I can’t wait to see what experiences await us this year

Thanks for reading,

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