Life at Hope College

My Perfect College Breakfast

I moved back into Hope last week, and I’ve been really enjoying my time here so far. I’ve loved living in a house, practicing each day for worship team, going to the beach, decorating my house little by little, buying beautiful flowers at the Farmers Market, and so much more. One thing I really look forward to every day, strange enough as it is, is making breakfast. Taking time to sit down for breakfast before my morning rehearsal each day gives me time to think before I leave for the day, and to make sure I’ll feel good all the way through rehearsal until I get to leave for lunch.

My favorite breakfast of all time (besides an omelet from DeBoer’s Bakkerij!).

The great thing about this breakfast is that it’s so easy to put together in my house or in a dorm room. There’s no cooking involved, and it’s super quick and easy because I’m just throwing things in a bowl. I love it so much that I even told my mom about it because I want everyone to eat it. Here are the ingredients!

This is seriously the easiest breakfast, but it keeps me so full all morning and it’s a lot less terrible for my health than most other breakfasts I used to grab on my way out the door. I have to wake up a few minutes earlier to make time to actually sit down and eat it, but throughout the past couple years of school, I’ve found that those extra couple of minutes can really impact the way I go about my whole day!

I used to really not care about breakfast at all because I never had time for it, but I’ve really come to value it, especially since starting to work at camp in the summer. I don’t know how I ever went about my days without getting any food in my system until noon. That sounds like the worst when I think about it now. Also, sitting down for breakfast makes me feel like an adult, which is an important part of college. So, next time you want to feel more like a grown-up while still not putting in a ton of effort, try this breakfast. Not only will you feel accomplished, but you will also feel nourished. And that, my friends, is a great feeling.

Thanks for reading! Keep up with me on Twitter (@hopekathryn17), Instagram (@kathrynekrieger), or email me at

“Let me hear of your unfailing love each morning, for I am trusting you. Show me where to walk, for I give myself to you.”

– Psalm 143:8

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