Life at Hope College

My Hope College Bucket List

You guys, college is so great. There is so much to do and there are so many things to learn and it’s just a great time of life. I have gotten to do so many awesome things since being at Hope, but there are still so many more that I want to do! Here is a list of some things I haven’t gotten around to doing yet, but that I hope to make happen before graduating!

I have a feeling that this guy I saw the other day is really good at doing things on his bucket list.

1. Drive to Niagara Falls.

2. Visit the Grand Rapids Downtown Market.

3. Take friends home with me to experience my little town for a weekend.

4. Have a fun, themed gathering at my house on campus.

5. Meet Ben Rector (Is this possible? I don’t know, but I hope and pray that it is!).

6. Sleep in my ENO in the Pine Grove.

7. Have dinner at President Knapp’s house.

8. Visit Downtown Dogs.

9. Picnic on the beach (my favorite beach is Kirk Park!).

10. Cook a full meal that isn’t terrible with my friends.

11. Eat at Crust 54 with Paul Boersma, one of Hope’s chaplains.

12. Go to Madcap Coffee in Grand Rapids.

13. Have a slumber party in Dykstra Hall during my years as an upperclassman.

14. Visit every coffee shop in Holland.

15. Finish writing a paper more than 24 hours before it is due (Is this a bucket list or a crazy dreams list?).

16. Take my friends to Sherman’s Ice Cream in South Haven.

17. Read every book of the Bible (Almost there! I started in sixth grade though. Oops.).

18. Attend the Hope-Calvin basketball game. And see the Dutchmen win, of course.

19. Have all my friends from camp who go to Hope over to my house for some fun.

20. Make banana pancakes while listening to “Banana Pancakes” by Jack Johnson.

21. See Bob Goff speak again.

22. Somehow make it over to the side of the beach that Big Red (the red lighthouse) is on. I don’t know how to get there, but if anyone does and wants to hook me up, I wouldn’t be mad.

23. Bike to Holland State Park.

24. Complete the Daniel Fast.

25. Take an art class.

26. Go to Meijer Gardens.

27. Run or work out at the Dow every day for a month straight.

28. Visit Sleeping Bear Dunes.

29. Get a picture with the guy who owns Good Time Donuts.

30. Graduate!!!!!!!

Why do so many of these pertain to food? Anyways…

There are a lot more things I would like to do before I graduate, but this is just the starter pack. Hopefully, if you keep up with my blog, you will get to read about the completion of some of these items. I’m pretty excited about them.

In the meantime, I move back to Hope in less than two weeks! It’s so crazy. Keep up with all my junior year adventures here, on Twitter (@hopekathryn17), Instagram (@kathrynekrieger), or via email at Thanks for reading!

“Then David continued, ‘Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Don’t be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you. He will see to it that all the work related to the Temple of the Lord is finished correctly.'”

– 1 Chronicles 28:20

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