Life at Hope College

Making the Most of the Mornings

For the past two years, I’ve definitely been someone who rolls out of bed as late as possible before my first obligation of the day. I usually worked as hard as I could to stay in my bed for as long as I could. A lot of times, this was the product of staying up way too late the night before to do homework or whatever I needed to get done before the next day, and if I really had a ton to do, I would stay up really late and get up really early (so basically I would sleep from about 2-4 a.m. A word of advice: DO NOT DO THIS.). I started this semester off with much better habits involving being in bed before midnight and getting up at 8:30 a.m. at the latest. Even getting up at 9 has started to feel like a waste of my day.  I’ve realized that when I get up early, I can make so much more out of the day and not have to be awake at hours when only owls and bats should be. Here are some ways I like to spend my mornings now that they actually exist!

Go for a run

If you read my last post, you know I’m getting back into running. Running first thing in the morning is the best. I feel ready to go for the day, it’s cool outside, and Holland is pretty quiet. I love running by peaceful Lake Macatawa first thing in the morning.

Get homework done in advance

I’m most productive in the morning. That is by far the best time for me to get things done, so when I get rolling first thing in the morning, I feel super accomplished about my day!

Rehearse for chapel

The Rose Window in Dimnent Chapel is so beautiful.

Sometimes I have rehearsal for chapel at 7 a.m. since I am on worship team, but starting my day by worshipping with some of my favorite people is always a highlight.

Sit down for breakfast

Even when I have rehearsal at 7 a.m. or class at 8:30, I make time for breakfast. Freshman and sophomore year, I either grabbed a granola bar and ate it on my way to class or skipped breakfast entirely every day because I got up too late. This semester I bought a box of granola bars a week before class started and I think I have eaten three of them. Every other day, I have had the chance to sit down and eat breakfast (and even to do my dishes afterwards!) and it is just such a nice start to my day. I really do feel better when I take the time to eat breakfast. (Read about my favorite breakfast here!)

Pick up a cup of coffee and my Bible

I’ve been trying to pay attention to how much I read my Bible, and I really like to read it in the morning. It sets the tone for my whole day and focuses my mind on what is important. There is no better companion to the Bible than another of God’s greatest gifts to us: Coffee.

What do you like to do with your mornings? Let me know with a comment here, on Twitter (@hopekathryn17), Instagram (@kathrynekrieger), or send me an email at!

“I pray to God—my life a prayer—

    and wait for what he’ll say and do.

My life’s on the line before God, my Lord,

 waiting and watching till morning,

  waiting and watching till morning.”

– Psalm 130:6, MSG



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