Living Away from Home

I distinctly remember the first time coming back home from college. It was the Fall break of my first year. As I pulled the luggage from underneath my dormitory twin-sized bed, I brushed off the dust and transferred my clothes from the wooden wardrobe tucked into the corner of my room. As I carefully folded each item and grabbed toiletries from my caddy, I remembered when months prior I had seemingly just unpacked this suitcase while moving into my room, unsure of all that would unfold for me during my first weeks of college. 

Zipping up my luggage, I hauled my overpacked bag down the three flights of stairs while I eagerly awaited my Dad’s call of arrival on the front porch of my residential hall. As friends passed by, I exclaimed “Have a great Fall break!” and “I’ll miss you!” Moments after my phone rang, I soon found myself embracing my Dad in a hug, strolling past the Pine Grove, and placing my suitcase into the trunk of my Dad’s car. Throughout the car ride we discussed the first month of my college experience. From talking about my favorite Phelps meal to explaining my courses to describing the friends I met and everything in between, I eagerly imagined the parts of Hope that had impacted my perspective. In our conversation, I realized how over the last several weeks, I had already grown so much. 

Living away from home can be both exciting and difficult. The experience is not the same for everyone and that is okay. For many students, particularly those in their first year of college, homesickness is a reality. The lack of familiarity in a new environment can ignite anxiety and loneliness. However, students need to understand that they are not alone in these feelings as often several of their peers also feel this way. Hope has multiple ways to walk alongside students and maximize this time for growth, development, and flourishing. Here are a few resources I suggest checking out: 

While I am grateful for the place I call home, I am also thankful for the opportunities and relationships living away from home has given me. Hope College is truly a home away from home for me!

Published by Madeline Kenney

Class of 2025 Hometown: Livonia, MI Majors: Biology and Business Minor: Classical Studies

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