Life at Hope College

Half Semester Down, Half to Go

The first half of this “Spring” Semester is over. The sun, shining on the snow covered grounds, gives the illusion that it is warmer than it really is and brightens the mood across campus. Midterms are done and the weekend is within reach. I finished two half semester courses this week which means the rest of the semester I have a lot more free time in my schedule.

Here are the top five things on my to do list with this newly acquired free time

  1. Paper writing–ahead of time
    No more late night papers for me because I have all the time in the world to get them done early without a problem.
  2. Read a book because I want to.
    After my last exam on Wednesday I went to the library and picked up a random book I thought would be fun to read. My find: Echoes of Old Florence by Leader Scott.

    “Echoes of Old Florence”
    because I love ancient Italy and this book caught my eye as I scanned the shelves on the 4th floor

  3. Intramural Ultimate Frisbee
    This doesn’t actually start until after Spring Break, but I am just really excited about it so it deserves a top 3 placement.
  4. The Dow
    Cause I really have to get training for that IM Ultimate season since it’s bound to get pretty intense.
  5. Step back and enjoy
    On a more serious note, there are only about two more months of my freshman year of college. Now that my schedule is relaxed I want to take the time to relax and appreciate the rest of the semester and everything that comes along with it. 🙂

I hope you have a lovely Friday & weekend!

You can follow me on Twitter @HopeErin18 and Instagram @e_delaney333 for more pictures and little insight about life at Hope through my eyes!

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