Life at Hope College

Fun, Money Making, and Camp Away From Camp

One thing I’ve come to both admit about myself and appreciate about myself over the past year or so is that I was made to make stuff. I was super into drawing and arts and crafts when I was little. Shrinky-Dinks were my JAM. I had a little mini potter’s wheel at my house. I have a legitimate easel at home that Santa brought one year. I should really do something productive with that. In middle school and junior high I loved my art classes, and I took four years of art in high school and was enthralled by every project I got to work on except for figure drawing. Figure drawing in charcoal was the worst, you guys. Anyways, when I got to college, I kind of got out of the groove of making stuff. I would run to Hobby Lobby from time to time or whip out the colored pencils I had stashed in the back of my desk drawer, but for the most part, my creative endeavors besides music were pretty few and far between.

Then this summer when I worked at camp, part of my job was to run arts and crafts almost every day. I made ALL the friendship bracelets and even some things that are currently hanging up in my cottage. I took any spare minute I got to make bracelets or embroider my backpack or doodle in the margins of my journal. If it involved anything that could even closely resemble “art,” I craved it. I even wood-burned one time. It was awesome.

Side note: Check out my arts and crafts playlist from camp this summer!

During the last couple of weeks at camp this summer, I started to get really bored of all the old t-shirts I’d been wearing every day for the whole summer. I looked down at the friendship bracelet I was making one morning while waiting for kids to show up at the archery pit during team adventure time, and I realized that the embroidery floss I was using for the friendship bracelets could be used to actually, you know, embroider stuff. I came up with the idea to start embroidering t-shirts. I even sketched out different ideas of where the embroidery could go on the shirt. The shirts were going to be simple, but noticeably unique – Something I would enjoy wearing and maybe even be proud to say that I created. I knew I didn’t have time to make a shirt while I was still at camp, so as soon as I got home at the end of the summer, I took the $3 pocket tee from the men’s section at Wal-Mart that I’d been wearing all summer, and I embroidered it until I got too excited that I had to stop. Seriously. I only did one sleeve. Anyways, I was so excited about it and I couldn’t wait to show other people.

Here’s me wearing my shirt (notice the difference in the sleeves) at a Campus Ministries dodgeball and foursquare tournament a couple weekends ago. I am so happy with my handmade shirt and hot dog!

I wore the shirt around Hope a couple of times this fall and had a lot of people ask me about it. After multiple people told me they’d be interested in buying one, I decided it was time for me to make the initial investment in materials and get to work!

So far, I’ve made three shirts, and I started an Etsy store (something I’ve wanted to do for a long time) where I have them up for sale! I also have one gold ink print up for sale right now, and I am hoping to add some watercolor pieces soon as well. It is so cool to me that I can spend my time doing something I love, something I believe I was made to do, and perhaps even make some extra money for it along the way! It’s a college student’s dream, everyone. I’m telling ya.

I even made a Hope-themed shirt!

It would mean so much to me if you checked out my store! It’s called Lakes Point Collective, and 10% of the sale price of every shirt is donated to scholarships for kids to attend Covenant Harbor Bible Camp, where the idea for these shirts was born!

I think it’s pretty neat that it’s possible to find ways in college to make money while doing things you enjoy. I also work at Glik’s in Downtown Holland, which I think is so fun, and I know a few other people that have started little businesses of their own, some of which are also on Etsy! Be creative – You never know what hobby could start to serve you in more ways than one!

Thanks for reading! Keep up with me on Twitter (@hopekathryn17), Instagram (@kathrynekrieger), Etsy (LakesPointCollective), or send me an email at!

“Let all that I am praise the Lord;

with my whole heart, I will praise his holy name.”

– Psalm 103:1

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