Life at Hope College

Flash Mobs in the Library

That’s right. It happened. A flash mob in the Library. But not only there, but also in the cafe area called the Kletz. “When did this happen?” you might ask, we’ll to be honest it was awhile ago, November of last semester, to be exact… but now the video of the whole ordeal is out!

So why am I so excited about this? Well… I was in it! Not only that, but my co-chair and I for Dance Marathon choreographed it! Mark that off my bucket list! We had the opportunity to lead a group of students, teach them a choreographed dance, and organize a flash mob. It was awesome.

What is even more awesome, that this whole ordeal was done for a cause much bigger than ourselves!!! It was for Hope College Dance Marathon! If you don’t know what Dance Marathon is, it is a student led event that is 24 hours long. During the whole time, the participants have to stand on the feet. I did it last year as a freshman, and it was an exhausting experience, but so worth. You want to know why it was worth it? Because. it. was. (and is) for. the. kids!

This event is a giant fundraiser and all the money that is raised  goes to Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital in Grand Rapids. This event is all for these kids in the hospital that are there fighting a hard battle against cancer or another sickness, so we, as participants of Dance Marathon can stand on our feet for a mere 24 hours.

Dance Marathon is a huge part of my life here at Hope and I encourage you, whether you are reading this as a incoming student, or a registered student, to do Dance Marathon during your time at Hope. After all, it is for the kids.

For more about me, follow me on twitter @hopejohnluke17 or on Instagram at johnlukehawkins. If you have a question you can email me at Until next time!

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