Life at Hope College

Dance Marathon… According to the dancers!

Dance Marathon has come and gone! I stopped by while it was going on and it was such a cool event! I am so glad I got the opportunity to stop by and see what was happening even though I didn’t dance! I was so proud of all my friends that were dancers and I was so impressed by the awesome total that they raised for the Helen DeVos Hospital ($165,057.08!)! I asked some of my friends who were involved what their favorite part about Dance Marathon was and here’s what they had to say!

The total!

Jessica W.: “The best part of Dance Marathon was the fact that although the reason I was there was so that I could give something to the kids of the Helen De Vos Children’s Hospital, I really felt that they were giving more to me. I loved the kids’ tenacity and felt I learned a lot about what it means to be strong, courageous, and how hard it can be to fight when it would be much easier to simply give up. Being a dancer was definitely hard but battling a serious illness is even harder and I would be honored to participate as a dancer again.”

Kelly L.: “The families are true superheroes. Dancing all night is a piece of cake compared to what they face everyday. Each time Roar came on and families would take the stage to tell their stories, I realized why I chose to be a dancer. It really is for the kids!”


Lauren M.: “Dance Marathon was a truly amazing experience that allowed me to meet inspiring Miracle families and spread hope to the superhero children of Helen DeVos! I loved all 1,440 minutes of it!”

Danae F.: “I do Dance Marathon because no matter how many hours of work I put into it, it is incomparable to the amount of hours and money that those families spend and they shouldn’t have to. No one should be as sick as those kids, so if I can do a small amount of work and get to help make their lives a little better, then I’ll do it. Every minute is worth it!”

My friends Elizabeth and Lauren with Riley Jo, one of the miracle kids!

Lisa R.: “My favorite part about Dance Marathon was seeing all the miracle families with the kids and getting to interact with them and see the appreciation on their faces. Lots of the parents were crying and it was awesome just to know that we were making a difference.”

Thanks for reading! Dance Marathon is such an awesome cause and I’m so proud of my fellow Dutch for making it such a success year after year! Make sure to leave a comment, tweet @hopekathryn17, or email! I’d love to hear from you!

“Share each other’s burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ.”

Galatians 6:2

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