Life at Hope College

2013 – 2014 Highlights

We have one more day of classes! This school year has gone by so fast. I cannot believe that in a week I’ll be home! I asked some people what the highlight of this year has been for them and here’s what they had to say!

“The highlight of this year has been meeting so many amazing people and making best friends here! A surprising highlight for me was how amazing chapel and The Gathering were!”


“Cluster worship!”


“Meeting all my friends and my cluster!”


“Freshman year truly blew away any expectations I had about what college would be like. I have made incredible friends, seen the love of Jesus at work, and have had quite a bit of fun while doing it. Living the good life! :)”


“Hanging out in my ENO in the Pine Grove!”


“It’s a never-ending list!”


“Bonding with my clustermates, whether that be studying in the basement together, watching the sunset on the beach, or even 2 A.M. euchre tournaments! I can’t believe all the memories I have made here at Hope already and it’s only been one year! I can’t wait to make even more in the next three years to come.”


“Meeting all of my new lifelong friends and all the crazy memories we made!”


“Groovin’ in the Grove and making new friendships!”


“Dance 40!”


“Meeting new people and getting involved with a bunch of stuff, especially band! I wouldn’t have really pictured myself being where I am now if you would have asked me last year at this time. I just tried a bunch of new things and I’ve enjoyed it!”


“Nykerk and meeting friends in the most random places because everyone is willing to strike up a conversation with you!”

It has been a truly unforgettable year and I can’t wait to share the next three with even more people! Hope College is such a blessing and I am reassured every day that I am exactly where I am supposed to be. God is so, so good!

What has been the highlight of your school year? I’d love to hear about it! Leave me a comment, tweet @hopekathryn17, or email me at! Thanks for reading! 🙂

“But he knows where I am going.
    And when he tests me, I will come out as pure as gold.”

– Job 23:10

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