Life at Hope College

Why You Should Come To Hope {A Student’s Perspective}

Over the past few days I’ve spent some time looking on the Hope on Facebook site for newly admitted students (if you haven’t joined you should) and I’ve noticed a few different things:

  1. all of you look really nice
  2. you’re all willing to share and get to know each other
  3. lots of you are trying to decide between several different colleges

After having this realization, I thought back to my junior and senior years in high school. Choosing a college is a difficult choice to make. After all, you’re going to spend four (maybe five) years of your life there. Many of your close friends will be made at college. And, you want a good education – or your parents want you to have a good education.

So how do you know where you should attend college? Is it the size, the location, the cafeteria, the people, or the academics that are the most important? While all of those things do play a vital role into selection a college, I think that the most important thing to look at in a college are the faculty members.

It’s been my experience at Hope that the professors either make or break a class. Yes, you do have to put in the work, and be willing to study; however, my favorite classes aren’t necessarily because of the material that I learned, but instead, the professor that taught the class.

Meet Tom Smith. He is a professor in the Department of Management, Economics, and Accounting. He enjoys teaching students, building relationships, and candy. Over the past couple of years, I have had the privilege of having Tom as a professor, study abroad faculty leader, and a friend.

Being at Hope has offered me the opportunity to get to know Professor Smith. He’s had an impact on my life that I will never forget. From dinners in Europe, to ice cream parties, to cups of coffee and conversation, he has challenged me to grow and mature – my college experience wouldn’t be the same without knowing him.

If you’re on the fence with two colleges, think about the interactions you want to have with faculty. If you’re looking to build relationships with professors, and have someone invest personal time with you, Hope College is the place for you!

Choosing a college can be a difficult choice. If you have more questions about Hope College or Hope professors, I would be happy to talk with you. Follow me on Twitter @hopechelsea15 or message me on the Hope on Facebook app.

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