Life at Hope College

There’s Nothing Like Setting Foot on a Campus

Reasons to Visit a College

“Why do I need to visit a college when I can do all my research online and get virtual tours?” A valid question, yet, I can promise everyone with this idea that there is absolutely nothing like setting a foot onto a campus sidewalk. Engaging with students enrolled and shaking a professor’s hand.

Technology has taken over most aspects of life. We can do pretty much anything behind a screen. Yet, real-world experiences, no matter what they are, will always impact you in a different way. You get to see for yourself the looming buildings and hear the buzzing excitement of conversation inside a dining hall. Those are aspects you can not get watching a virtual tour and doing research on a college’s statistics.

Visiting Hope College

Hope College is rooted in downtown Holland. A beautiful town near Lake Michigan with tons of shops and restaurants just waiting for you to walk into. The campus, while seemingly vast, is covered in trees that turn the whole college into a golden wonderland in the fall and a blooming rainbow in spring.

You could visit Hope College during any season and get to experience its beauty. I myself visited on a dreary fall day, but the community was warm and I found myself taking everything in that I could. My tour guide was a junior at the time and seemed to be friends with everyone. That was an aspect that really drew me to choosing Hope, everyone was so kind. I had students ask if I wanted to sit with them for my lunch, engaging with this awkward high school junior who might have stared too much.

Campus Visits

There are so many campus visits happening weekly at Hope College. A new young-adult who is considering Hope as their home for four-years. The tour guides are cheery students who always look forward to meeting perspective students and introducing them to Hope. Scheduling a campus visit with Hope is very simple online.

Whether you want to attend a showcase as your first visit or come on a Junior Day, you have the ability to schedule those specific kinds of visits. There are also options such as custom individual and overnight visits. Any of these kinds of visits can be discussed with people who work in Admissions at Hope College.

Final Pitch

If you are even considering Hope College as a perspective college, go. Visit in-person it that is possible for you to do. Seeing the sun hitting one of the burnt orange bricked buildings or the way the light pours through the Rose Window in Dimnent Chapel will never look the same through a photograph online.

All are welcome at Hope College.

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