Life at Hope College

The Best Beginning to a Beautiful End

Where has the time gone? I’m three weeks into my final semester at Hope. They say if you blink you might miss it, so I’m doing my best to keep my eyes wide open to capture every moment I can.

Four years goes fast. And if you complete college in three years (like myself), it goes even faster.

I remember getting that letter in the mail in the summer after my senior year of high school, reading “you’ve transferred 37 credits.” I remember dodging re-signing up for Gen Ed classes I’ve already taken plus a couple major courses as well.

I remember the long conversations with my parents, wondering if I should stay the full four or just graduate in three. Looking back, I’m not sure when it happened, but I decided three would be enough for me. I introduced myself saying I was a freshman, to a sophomore graduating in three years (to which people replied “obviously” because senior year is three years away from sophomore year) to a junior graduating in May. And now the final spring semester is here. It will be enough for me.

At the same time, three will never be enough. Four will never be enough, either; and I remember that. I’m not afraid to graduate in May, which sometimes scares me. What will I do? Where will I go?

I’m waiting to hear back on internships and jobs and the – yikes – one grad school letter to see if maybe I made the cut. And I found out that graduating high school is just a first round practice to graduating college. It’s a practice run to be able to do it again.

It’s beautiful. I’m in a creative writing class writing poetry every day and a photography class taking pictures. I’m in my final Communication course buttering bread and playing Jenga in class to learn about the way organizations function. I’m in a leadership class reading about Ernest Shackleton and his incredible journey to Antarctica. There are so many adventures yet to be had, places to go, steps to take.

And I’m grateful God is always one step ahead of me.

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