Life at Hope College

How to Survive Midterms

Midterms are in full swing at Hope this week, and they’ve made this week really, really busy. Not only does it seem like every professor makes 58 extra things due this week, but half-semester classes end with big exams, new half-semester classes start with unfamiliar professors and workloads, seniors are taking the GRE and applying to grad schools, applications for committees and programs are due, and everything else that could possibly be stressful is happening as well, plus the rest of life rushes on as we know it.

Midterms can be really, really hard, mostly because they kind of slap you in the face. So far this semester, a lot of us have been chugging along on our work, not really ahead, but feeling like we are in pretty good shape, and definitely not behind. Sometimes the beginning of the semester can trick you into thinking that the next few months will be a piece of cake. Then midterms happen and they remind you that you are in college and college is hard.

How do you get through midterms without losing your mind? Sometimes it seems impossible, but in reality, it’s very doable. Many people before all of us have done it, and many will continue to do it afterward. These are my best tips for making midterms more manageable!

Get outside.

Check out these beautiful trees on Hope’s campus in the Pine Grove! I posted this photo to my Instagram a few days ago.

Holland is so, so beautiful this time of year. Even if you just take a stroll through campus, make sure to pay attention to the fall colors and the beauty that surrounds you before all the leaves fall and it’s too cold outside to really enjoy it!

Go somewhere different.

I am usually a Lemonjello’s person, but this week I’ve been doing homework at JP’s just to get into a different environment. Going somewhere different that still feels like a studious environment can help me feel more excited to get work done.

Make a new playlist.

I like having good playlists to listen to while I work (or just to drown out noise around me), but a lot of times I get stuck on the same old ones I’ve been listening to for months. Making new playlists can definitely make studying more enjoyable. Here’s the one I’m working on at the moment!

Contact an old friend.

Talking to a friend from junior high or high school can really help brighten your day! It is fun to catch up on what is going on in other people’s lives and get to know them more, especially if you haven’t spoken in a while!

Take time to rest.

Make sure to get enough sleep and take adequate breaks while you work. One reward I happen to really enjoy is going to Applebee’s for half-off apps at the end of the day, but sometimes I reward myself with a nap or even a quick trip to grab a cinnamon roll from the Windmill for lunch!

Thanks for reading! Check out my Twitter (@hopekathryn17), Instagram (@kathrynekrieger), Etsy (LakesPointCollective), or send me an email at!

“So the Word became human and made his home among us. He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness. And we have seen his glory, the glory of the Father’s one and only Son.”

John 1:14

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