Life at Hope College

How to Stay Organized in College

If you are able to stay organized even amidst a crazy and hectic schedule, you are going to be successful in college. It takes a little practice, patience, and getting used to, but eventually, you will be a pro at staying organized. Since high school, I have adopted some useful and incredibly helpful tricks that have worked for me then and especially now in college. Here are some of my tips!

1. Buy a planner

I think this is THE MOST IMPORTANT (hence the reason why it is bolded), tip for staying organized! I treat my agenda VERY seriously and my friends always laugh at me about that 🙂 Your planner should go with you to every class so you can pull it out if your professor hands out a syllabus or a project assignment. Also take your agenda with you to every meeting you attend because chances are, dates will be said left and right and you will have to check to see if you are available. It’s not about the quality or type of agenda you buy as long as you actually USE it. I think Hope’s agenda that is sold in the bookstore is a great one to use!

2. Highlight, Highlight, Highlight

After you have written down your homework assignments and other important dates during the week, your highlighter should become your best friend. This may seem like a pretty silly tip, but it is a pretty important step once you are actually writing things down in your planner. Once something has been highlighted, you don’t have to worry about it anymore because it’s done. Great feeling right?!

Here’s a look into my week thus far. Everything that is done is highlighted!

3. Buy a calendar whiteboard

While your planner is for homework and other important assignments, your whiteboard can act as your reminder buddy. It allows you to see all of your assignments at a much bigger glance rather than on a single page. It keeps you on track to make you know how many weeks you have to study for your Spanish exam or how long you have until your English research paper is due. If you want to be extra fancy and cool, use a color coding system to keep track of each class! You can also use this whiteboard to write down important birthday’s/anniversaries/anything else you don’t want to forget.

Here’s a look at my color coded calendar. Try it and see if it works for you!

4. Use Post-Its for quick reminders

Post-Its are REALLY helpful when you need to remember to do something either right then and there or later on. If you need to remind yourself to print out an article for class, email your bio professor, or even remind yourself to throw away the trash, post its are the way to go! I post them right on my desk so I don’t forget and I can see them clearly.

Quick reminders posted on my desk!

Hopefully these tips help you as much as they have helped me while in college. Tweet me @HopeMarisela16 if you use any of these tips in the near future! Thanks for reading!

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