Mike Philben awarded prestigious NSF CAREER grant

Michael Philben, Assistant Professor in the departments of Chemistry and Geological & Environmental Sciences, was recently awarded a Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER) grant with the National Science Foundation for $507,824. The project is titled CAREER: Detecting warming impacts on carbon accumulation across a climate transect of Michigan peatlands. The National Science Foundation (NSF) …

Tom Bultman receives Fulbright Scholar Award

Dr. Tom Bultman, Professor of Biology, has received a Fulbright US Scholar Award that will take him to the University of Turku, Finland for the second half of the 24-25 academic year. The Fulbright-University of Turku Scholar Award, jointly funded by the Fulbright Finland Foundation and the University of Turku, provides US scholars with the …

Meagan Elinski named 2024 Cottrell Scholar

Dr. Meagan Elinski, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, has been named a 2024 Cottrell Scholar and awarded $120,000 by the Research Corporation for Science Advancement. Dr. Elinski’s proposal, Chemical-Mechanical Control Over Nanoparticle-Hydrogel Sliding Interfaces, which incorporates both research and science education, was one of 19 proposals selected for the esteemed award after a rigorous peer-review process. …

Kate Lozon receives Out-of-School Time Grant for CASA and Step Up

Kate Lozon, Director of CASA/Step Up, received a Michigan Department of Education Out-of-School Time Grant of $86,400 for CASA and Step Up summer programming. Through this grant, CASA/Step Up summer programming will be expanded and allow for an increase in access to summer sessions for underrepresented elementary and middle school students.. Summer lessons will interweave …

Roger Baumann Receives Jack Shand Research Grant from SSSR

Roger Baumann, Assistant Professor of Sociology, recently received the Jack Shand Research Grant from the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion. The project entitled, “American Evangelicals, Islam & the Competition for Religious Authority” is supported by a $5,000 award. This faculty-led research will involve up to 2 Hope College Undergraduate student researchers. The project …