It is here!!

Hello family and friends, it is here!

Welcome along to our 2024 seed Dominican Republic trip!! This is Ruby and Andrew and we are going to walk you through our first travel day. First bright and early we awoke and arrived to the one and only Devos parking lot to feast on some good ole bagels. We then hopped on the bus and Johnny safely and efficiently navigated us to the Chicago airport to drop off our lovely friends on the Costa rica seed trip. (so excited for them to flourish and spread the love of Jesus Christ in Costa this week). The bus ride consisted of great chats, some naps, and a couple awesome rounds of heads up thanks to Andrew!! Next we made our way to dave and busters for some awesome team competitions having the time of our lives playing the arcade games. Shout out team orange (Jack, Sydney, Emily, and Joe) for coming out on too. Thank you Dave and Busters for providing us with lunch to fuel us and let us play unlimited games. It was then our time to get to the airport. Where it really kicked in that we were going to be in the DR in less than 12 hours! Wow! We are now in the Newark airport. We have endured a long and mentally taxing day while traveling through the airport but we are still so excited and pumped to be the hands and feet of the Lord in the DR. Next stop Santiago, Dominican Republic!!

Thank you for coming along with us!

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