Hello from Costa Rica :)

Hello from Costa Rica! What a great Day ONE (travel day). It is about 12:15pm Michigan time… and about 10:15pm Costa time… Let’s just say we are all a bit tired from a big day of travel… but more importantly we are SO excited for the week to come ❤️.

On this trip we have such an awesome group of Hope Student Athletes. We couldn’t be more excited for the relationships that we will build this week and to see God work.

As we look ahead at the week we are excited to show up and see what God has in store for this group and the people here in Costa Rica.

In the following days you can expect to hear more in-depth stories of what we are doing and lessons of what we’re learning. For tonight, we just wanted to share some of the photos from today with you all!

Buenos noches… and Pura Vida 🙌!!!

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