
Hi everyone! This morning we started with a pretty traditional breakfast (eggs, oatmeal, yogurt, toast, cereal, coffee) then we met with some of the Poetice staff (shoutout Abby & John), we learned about the heart of Poetice and how / why they minister. We also had some cultural training, learning more about the culture of the communities around us, and had some delicious muffins as a snack. We sat down for lunch together and had chicken lo mein, and talked some more as a team and with the Poetice staff. After lunch we had a tour of the base, and saw many works in progress and the vision for the future of Poetice’s ministry. In the afternoon, we had a chance to prepare for our next 3 days of camp, and you can see the plans in the pictures below. We then went on a walk through the community next to us, Mwapona. We were greeted by many excited little kids wanting to say hi and give us hugs. During our walk we visited a market and were treated to “fritters” which is a fried dough ball that was very yummy. When we returned from our walk, Mrs. Katete came to us with handcrafted clothing, bags, journals and more. Many of us were able to buy souvenirs for ourselves and loved ones. We ate a great dinner of spaghetti, salad, and sweet bread, and headed into the worship room for a short night worship session. Meg led us in a word about hearing the Holy Spirit’s voice and we were able to get some practice listening to him with our teammates. The team just finished up our nightly debrief, and now we are going to hangout, play cards, and make friendship bracelets before heading to bed. We are excited for our first day of sports camp tomorrow!

Be Strong. Be True.

Greta G and Tilly!

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