Off-Campus Study

Steve Irwin Day

Aussie Slang Lesson Week 12: Bum Bag = Fanny Pack

When people think about Australia, some of the first things that come to mind are surfing, the Outback, and Steve Irwin. Steve is an international icon, known for his passion for conservation of wildlife, especially crocodiles. His family has a day at the zoo to honour his legacy on November 15. This day had no special meaning to Steve himself; rather, it was Harriet the tortoise’s birthday! She was one of his favourite animals at the zoo.

To celebrate the work that he did, they had events going on all day including indigenous music and dancing, conservation conversations and the headliner for the day were the “OG” Wiggles. The Wiggles are an Australian TV personality group for little kids. They are internationally known. I was a fan of them when I was young (they were my first concert haha), so when we discovered this was going on while my mom was here, we decided to go. This would be the second time in a week that we made the 2.5 hour trek to the Sunny Coast, but it was worth it. As an added incentive, if you wore khaki (Steve Irwin’s signature outfit), there was a discount at the door.

The Wiggles got to put their handprints into this area of the park next to the author of “Bluey”.

The animals today were just as wonderful as they were the previous week, but there were some added bonuses as it was Steve Irwin Day. Terri and Robert did the crocodile feeding with a croc named Murray. His namesake is Murray, the red wiggle. Murray the croc worked with Steve before he passed, so Robert said he enjoys working with him because it feels like a connection to his dad.

The other highlight of the day was listening to the Wiggles play! It was fun listening to music I hadn’t heard in almost 2 decades!
Steve Irwin did a collab with the Wiggles and created the song “Crocodile Hunter”. This clip is the OG Wiggles and the new generation of Wiggles performing this song with Robert and Terri Irwin.

The day was a beautiful tribute to Steve Irwin and the legacy that he has left. His family does an incredible job continuing to carry out his mission.

Can you see our khaki?

I also took a quick 18-hour trip to Sydney on Thursday. My mom and I enjoyed an incredible dinner overlooking the Sydney opera house and harbour. The sunset was a stunning display of pastel pinks and purples.

Sadly, my guinea pig at home passed away this week. This is one of the tough parts about studying abroad. He got sick and passed quickly, and I couldn’t be there for him other than over Facetime. Ron attended Hope with me and was loved by many, so it was awful to lose him. Not being able to jet home for something like that is one of the hardest parts about going abroad.

Ron living his best life in Gilmore Hall

The following day, I had to say goodbye to my mom. Having her here for almost two weeks was such a blessing. The serotonin boost of having someone familiar was much needed. At this point, I will be home in a month!

Thank you for continuing to follow me on this adventure.


Maddy B

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