Off-Campus Study


It´s incredible what you don’t notice when you are caught up in yourself. I have been feeling a little melancholy recently for two completely opposite reasons: because I am homesick, and because my time in Chile is approaching the end. On the one hand, I am happy to be going home soon; I miss the familiar people and routines. On the other hand, I am sad because studying in Chile has been a wonderful series of adventures, and because I will have to say good-bye to my family and friends here.

However, while I’ve been sad, spring arrived.  The weather is beautiful, flowers are blooming, and there are more ships in the harbor. It is shorts and t-shirt weather, which I love. The birds are singing, and everybody seems happier. Sometimes their happiness is contagious, and it can be a lot of fun hanging out with everyone. But sometimes, I enjoy being alone. It is what I do with that alone time makes all the difference.

I like people watching. I just go to a café and get some coffee and observe the busy people. It is fun to watch the crazy old men wander by, asking for change, or the grandmas with their grandchildren who are begging for an ice cream. I like watching the girlfriends drag their boyfriends to a movie or all the people casually smoking a cigarette before they have to go back to work.

I like observing the flowers. I love flowers, and so many of them just grow around here, wild and uncontrolled. There are daisies and petunias that grow by my house. Everybody seems to have roses. There are wild purple flowers and pretty red flowers. I like wearing flowers in my hair. It makes me feel confident and pretty.

The sea is very blue right now. It’s been remarkable to live this close to the ocean during my time here. I feel I could stare at its vastness forever. I like writing poetry and staring at the sea. I feel content.

When there is so much to do in a busy city like Valparaiso, sometime just stopping and spending some time alone is the best way to understand the people and the culture.

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