Rearranging the Lower Level

This summer, the task of grouping bound journals together on each floor continues with the lower level. When complete, bound journals will all be shelved at the south end of the floor. The main staircase will be the approximate dividing line between journals and books. The books will be shelved with the ā€œPā€ call numbers beginning just to the right as you exit the main stairwell and head north. Browsing the print books will be easier since they will not have large runs of bound journals interspersed amongst them. This process has already been completed on the second and third floors. The fourth floor journals will be separated from the books and shelved at the south end of the fourth floor at a later date.

Rearranging the entire floor is like a giant jigsaw puzzle. While this process is proceeding, the books on the lower level are being kept on tables, in study rooms, on the floor, and in just about any random space we can find. If you want a book during this time we will be happy to go find it for you. In HopeCat you can click the Place a Hold link at the top of the record and we will retrieve the book for you, bring it to the circulation desk, and e-mail you when it is available. We hope to be finished with the entire project by early July.

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