Alumni Highlight: Electrical Engineer Jorge Benitez ’18

Alumni Jorge Benitez smiling in profesional attire.

Jorge Benitez ’18 graduated from Hope College with a Bachelor of Science degree in engineering with a concentration in electrical engineering. He started his career working part time at GMB Architecture + Engineering in Holland during the second semester of his senior year. After graduation he transitioned into a full time role at GMB.

As an electrical engineer, Jorge is responsible for interior and exterior electrical design for buildings, primarily in the education market. His design work includes power distribution, lighting design and lighting controls, communication systems, and electronic safety and security systems.

What do you find most exciting or interesting about the work that you do? 

I love the mix of creative design of electrical systems within my projects and the practical problem solving to meet codes. It’s a career field where the learning never stops, and no two projects are the same! I am working alongside peers, both inside and out of engineering, who bring fresh perspectives and a new way of thinking to the design process. I also have the pleasure of interacting with our clients to guide them through the design and construction process and deliver spaces that will have lasting impacts on their communities for years to come.

What are some activities you were involved with at Hope that helped shape you as a person?

I had such a positive experience within the Hope student culture, from meeting lifelong friends and my wife, to engaging in various athletic, social clubs, and residential life that it’s hard to pick just one! All of these contributed to my well rounded education at Hope College.

What aspect of your engineering education at Hope was most beneficial?

The ability to think critically is imperative in an engineering education, because it’s impossible to prepare students for the specific career field that they will find themselves in. So much of engineering is simply learning how to solve problems!

Can you comment on the liberal arts aspect of Hope?

Immensely. I have a passion of connecting with people, and in my career field I am able to explain engineering concepts and solutions to our clients in a non-technical way, making me a better engineering consultant.

What advice would you give to current students?

Take advantage of the level of interaction with your professors available to you. Grab a coffee, share a meal, utilize office hours. Hope’s faculty is a wealth of knowledge at your fingertips, and a great source of mentorship as you navigate the next steps in your life and careers.

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