Thank You Campus Ministries!

The Recognition and Appreciation Culture Action Team is recognizing our Hope College Campus Ministries Team for their diligence in helping select a new Dean of Chapel. Our wonderful Campus Ministries team continued to embody excellence last academic year during that time of transition. The team ensured that students were supported throughout the search process and that beautiful music ministry and inspirational messages were shared for Chapel, The Gathering, Bible Studies, and everything in between! We appreciate all of the ways you invest in the people of Hope!

We would like to applaud the entire Campus Ministries Team for their dedication to the spiritual direction of the entire Hope College Community and their prayerful and faithful commitment to serving God’s will, as we bring on a new Dean of Chapel. During this time, we ask the entire Hope College Community to join together in prayer for guidance and leadership as we welcome our new Dean of the Chapel – Rev. Dr. Nathan Hart.

The CAT Recognition and Appreciation Team:

Paul Willard

Sonja Glover

Carla Bos

Sarah Baar

Rachel Bishop

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