Communicating at Work

Hope’s Communication Majors excel at public speaking in the workplace–and twenty-first century jobs regularly involve public speaking. Hear from two of our recent graduates as they reflect on their learning from Comm 140 Public Presentations: Jeff Serini (2011) is opening a new company, Paragon Fitness. He credits his Hope College education in public speaking  with …

Communicating Women’s Equality

Dr. Sarah Kornfield joined the the Hope Academy of Senior Professionals (HASP) to present “Contemporary Feminism,” discussing how feminism is currently working to “end sexism, sexist exploitation, and oppression.” Dr. Kornfield teaches in Hope College’s Communication Department and the Women’s & Gender Studies Program. Her work consistently demonstrates how communication practices affect gender and vice …

Stories Propel us to Space

Communication faculty are committed to life-long learning and community engagement. We teach, lead, and learn in local, national, and global communities. Dr. James Herrick has been hard at work helping us think about how the stories we tell ourselves results in technological advances–like space exploration. This semester, Dr. Herrick led the conversation at Grand Valley …

Communication Internships

The Hope College Communication Department is on a mission to equip students to understand how humans create and share meaning in a global society. We prepare students to create, critique, and interpret communication messages and practices in multiple contexts–in relationships, in organizations, in public, across cultures, and through media. We strive toward this mission through …

Dr. Herrick’s New Book!

The Communication Department congratulates Dr. Jim Herrick on the publication of his new book, Visions of Technological Transcendence: Human Enhancement and the Rhetoric of the Future. Dr. Herrick’s research on transhumanism studies the discourse of human enhancement–how people talk about immortality, the merger of humans and machines, human-level artificial intelligence, and space colonization. Dr. Herrick …