So, What Exactly is Mindfulness Anyway?

“Mindfulness” or “being mindful” are words that get tossed around a lot these days, but what does it really mean to “practice mindfulness” or to “be mindful”? […] Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn, the founder of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction, describes mindfulness as “awareness that arises through paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgmentally in the service of self-understanding and wisdom.”

Coronavirus Anxiety Workbook

by Aaron Schantz, MA, LLP, CAPS Staff Counselor Perhaps you have a bit of time over break for yourself? To some of you, that question feels opposite of your plans for break because you will be frantically busy. But maybe the other extreme is true and you may feel relatively confined to home with more …

DISCUSSIONS WITH DASH (Coping Skills during COVID-19 Response)

KJ Boyd, staff counselor in Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS), shares a TIPP for remembering four skills to regulate yourself in times when you are feeling overwhelmed. Dash is her canine co-worker and scene stealer.