Steps to Exploring Out of State Careers

Is there a city you’ve always wanted to live in? A town that you can totally see yourself living and working in, but you have no idea how to make that happen? Starting a career in another state can be a scary yet exhilarating time. Being away from the security net of your home and …

Networking Works

Networking works. However, we know it can also be a little intimidating. Hope has thousands of alumni, and you probably know hundreds of professionals! How do you sort it all out? First off, take advantage of the resources you have! Know some professionals in your potential field? Shoot them an email saying you’re interested in talking to them …

Judge a Book by its Cover.

First impressions matter. Whether you’re applying for a year long internship, a summer job, or a potential future career position, it’s essential that you make a good impression on your potential employer. There are several factors that contribute to making a good first impression, such as having an impressive resume, strong interviewing skills, and a …

Gap Year Fair

Whether you’re a freshman, a senior, or anyone in between, graduation will sneak up on you before you know it, and we want you to feel prepared and ready to take on the next adventure life throws at you after Hope. The only question is, what will that adventure be? The Gap Year Fair is …

Seminary Day and Grand Valley State University Career Fair

What am I Going to Do After Graduation? Thinking post-grad can be a bit frightening, but Hope has provided a number of opportunities to make your life after graduation (the one you’ve always dreamed about) a reality!  The Career Development Center (CDC) offers a variety of events for you explore different careers and post-grad options. Seminary …