Boerigter Center for Calling and Career

Student-Athlete Résumé Sessions

Are you a student-athlete and currently applying for internships or jobs? At the Boerigter Center, we want to help you set yourself apart from the competition.

This semester we started to offer new group résumé sessions tailored to student-athletes. In fact, we kicked these sessions off by working with 90% of the football team by position group!

These sessions consist of learning about how to format as well as what type of content is best to include when building your professional document. Participants are then able to workshop and get feedback on their résumé from a Career Advisor. Student-athletes get to learn what sets them apart from other students and how to best represent the unique skill set they gain by participating in a college sport. 

Senior Jake Kozlowski is a business major and Hope football player. Jake will be graduating this winter and already has a job lined up after graduation working for Amway’s southern distribution center in Atlanta. Jake commented on what it looks like to represent yourself to an employer.

“Being a college athlete gave me a leg up as compared to the other candidates I was competing against for the position I secured at Amway. I found it was important to represent and communicate the qualities I gained by participating in football on my résumé and in the interview process. I was naturally able to highlight leadership, time management and communication skills. I encourage other athletes to do the same.”

There is one group session left this semester on Tuesday November 27th at 4:00 PM. To sign up for the session, please click here. If you have any questions, stop by the Boerigter Center in Dewitt and we would be happy to help you!

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