Boerigter Center for Calling and Career

Greek Life and the Real World

 “It takes community to maintain a human.”                     –Earon Davis

There are a lot of negative connotations that can be associated with members of Greek life. A lot of people assume that being part of a sorority or fraternity means that all you do is party, have a low GPA, and that it does not help you after college. However, what people do not realize is that a lot of this is not true. They are a lot of positives and learning opportunities that come with being part of Greek life organization.


  1. Networking
  1. Organization and time management
  1. Team work
  1. Leadership 
  1. Communication
    • There are a number of meetings and events Greek organizations have. To make this work there has to be a lot of effective communication within the organization.
    • Being able to effectively communicate and having your ideas and messages understood is essential not only to your work life but your personal life.
  2. Conflict management
    • Members of Greek life have to learn to deal with conflict within the organizaton. It teaches indiviudals to work together towards a common goal even if members do not always see eye to eye.
  3. Philanthropy


Being part of a sorority and fraternity gives members a chance to polish and perfect their skills that transfer into many aspects of life. One of the most important aspects for me is that it provides a strong support system, which I believe is essential for a human being to survive and thrive. Greek life has a lot of positives and I hope after this read you see that too!




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