Boerigter Center for Calling and Career

Getting Started with the Career Development Center!

Welcome to the Hope College Career Development Center Blog! This blog is designed to help you as a Hope College student or graduate learn more about all the Career Development Center (CDC) has to offer, from upcoming events, to tips for your career exploration process, and everything in between!

What am I going to do with my life?!

Some people come into college knowing exactly what they want to do with their lives, and some people (maybe you) have absolutely no clue. Contrary to what you might think, that’s okay! We want to assure you that it’s normal to be a little unsure as you discern what career path you want to follow. The truth is, most people (adults included) are still trying to figure that out! The best thing to do is explore any and all possible career options. Career exploration shouldn’t be some terrifying task you want to avoid, but a rewarding adventure that will help you learn more about yourself. Be patient with the process and be patient with yourself. Most of all, don’t be afraid to ask for help!

A great first step is to head over to the Career Development Center, located on the first floor of the Anderson-Werkman building. Our team consists of several student Career Advisors (CAs) and staff members who are eager to help you with this new endeavor!

Meet the Staff!

Dale Austin is the CDC director, and provides individual workshops and advising in regards to job search issues, cover letters and resumes, interview preparation, and graduate school planning.

Jena Szatkowski, the assistant director, is your go-to for any and all internship assistance. She also assists with mock interviews and resume and cover letter review.

Sarah McCoy is the CDC program director, and deals with employer relations and engagement, coordinating discipline specific programs that integrate curricular and co-curricular activities.

Amy Freehafer, a career counselor, can help you understand your personal strengths (as she oversees the StrengthsQuest program on campus) and explore the careers that might be right for you through her use of personality and career assessment tools and resources.

Shannon Schans is another career counselor who also specializes in reviewing StrengthsQuest results and helps students develop their resumes and cover letters. She also facilitates career modules for First Year Seminar classes.

Megan Fisher is a career counselor who deals with networking. She helps prepare for various career fairs and networking events, explores the use of social media in the job search process, and helps students connect with Hope alumni or other professionals for informational interviews or job shadowing.

Elizabeth Bocks is the office manager. She maintains the office’s web page, assists with on-campus recruiting and career fairs, and basically keeps the CDC office running smoothly and efficiently!

How do I start?

Schedule an appointment with the CDC! For more information about who we are, what we do, and all we have to offer, please call us at (616) 395-7950, or visit the Hope College Career Development Website. Our office is open from 8:00AM-12:00PM and 1:00PM-5:00PM Monday through Friday.

We also hold Drop-In Hours every weekday from 3:00PM-4:30PM. These hours are perfect for short, last minute appointments regarding resume and cover letter review, interview prep, networking, and any other questions you might have. There will always be several Career Advisors and at least one staff member ready to assist you.

No matter what stage you’re at in your career exploration process, you can benefit from a visit to the Career Development Center! We look forward to seeing you soon!

Our office, located in Anderson-Werkman.
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