Boerigter Center for Calling and Career

Make Connections! Boerigter Center Events and Programs Spring 2020

Hey students – Two words that summarize everything going on at the Boerigter Center this semester: Make Connections!

Years ago, I was living and working in the Detroit area, keeping an eye out for an opportunity to move to West Michigan to be closer to family. I applied online for various jobs with little success. I had heard that most jobs are found through people that can help you make connections. So I decided to give it a try. I reached out to a fellow Hope grad whom I had never met before and asked her if she would be willing to meet and give me some advice. She quickly agreed, and we had a great conversation. It turns out she knew the CEO of a start-up company I was looking at, and she encouraged me to pursue an opportunity with them. Thanks to her, I landed the role and have lived happily in West Michigan ever since.

Whether you are in your first year at Hope, or your last year, or anywhere in between, the Boerigter Center is creating opportunities for YOU to make connections! If you are wanting to learn more about certain professions or metro areas, sign up for one of our Hope College Connection Live! events to connect with alumni who can talk about their experience. If you are looking for a summer internship or a job after graduation, come connect with recruiters at the Spring Career and Internship Fair on Feb. 19. Those events and others are listed below.

Watch your email for another big deal coming this March – The Hope College Connection – a brand new system allowing you to connect directly with alumni and parents who are eager to share career advice and support you in your journey.

If you have any questions, come stop by our office anytime. We can work with you to come up with a personalized plan to make connections for everything from career discernment to jobs and grad school decisions. We hope to connect with you soon!

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