Alumni & Family Engagement

Winter Break Woes

AnneWinter break came as a much needed interval in this semester; however, I must voice how grateful I am to be back at Hope. As this break was a mere four days, my family decided to turn it into a skiing weekend. As I’ve only ever skied once before I welcomed this opportunity to relearn how not to fall down a slope… Let’s just say I’ve decided to stick with sledding from now on.

I now realize I was born to stay on solid ground, as I already have poor balance standing on concrete. Long story short, I took a 20 foot tumble down the largest hill and ended up losing both skis, my hat, and my desire to ever ski again! Not only did it hurt to raise my left eyebrow, as I slightly hit my head during the fall, but before I could get up to collect my scattered things I heard someone from the adjacent ski lift shout, “Yard sale!”

Although I had a less then fortunate experience over break, I’ve don’t want to give up skiing quite yet. One of my friends here on campus recently started the Ski and Snowboarding Club for students of all skill levels. I hope to attend one of their events in the near future.

Embarrassment aside, today it was nearly 60 degrees on campus! Now that’s what I like to call “Michigan beach weather.” I have to admit that I’d rather have the warm weather stick than be able to go snow skiing again… and maybe then I can check out the Water Skiing club we have here on campus!


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