Every student at Hope College has a unique story. Many of these stories involve the Hope Fund, which provides coveted scholarships to more than 95% of our students. Read the following heartfelt story of Nora to learn firsthand what a difference scholarships can make in students’ lives.

Nora ’26 was afraid to come to Hope, her first-choice school.

“I wanted to come to Hope,” she shared. “I felt like a name and not a number here, but I was so scared to add tens of thousands of dollars in student debt to my name. I didn’t want to spend my life paying that off.”

Nora’s hard work in high school was rewarded when she earned a merit based scholarship through the Hope Fund. The generosity of donors erased her fear of taking on overwhelming debt.

“I have a fresh start without the weight of student debt around my shoulders!” exclaimed the double major in sociology and communications. If that wasn’t challenging enough, the hardworking junior has added a minor in leadership to her plate.

When she graduates, she hopes to work in politics as a campaign strategist. “There’s so much miscommunication out there,” she explained. “I’ve been studying how to mitigate it. My sociology major allows me to learn how society has a direct impact on how people are wired. My communications major teaches me how to cut through the miscommunication to focus on a clear message.”

With her career aspirations, there’s no doubt that Nora is living into Hope’s mission of preparing students for lives of leadership and service. “My scholarship has led to my academic, social and mental growth,” she said. “I have been able to grow into myself.”

Nora believes there’s something about the Hope community that sets it apart from the rest. “It’s so different from what I’m used to. They’re kind and welcoming and their generosity has made me a different person,” she shared. “Because of the freedom they gave me, I can return the favor in a few years.”

Your gifts to the Hope Fund set our students free. Free from worry, free from debt and free to explore the endless transformative possibilities Hope has to offer. Set a student free by making a gift today.

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