Alumni & Family Engagement

Blogging Debut!

ToriHi there! My name is Victoria! I’m originally from the small village of Vicksburg, Michigan, but am currently a sophomore here at Hope College and am double majoring in Theatre and French. I am extremely involved with the theatre department here at Hope and will probably be posting a lot about it! (See below for what we’re currently working on!)

Outside of theatre I love languages and studying different cultures so I try to stay involved in our French organizations here on campus as well. I joke that French occupies my days whereas theatre occupies my evenings. But regardless I still find time to hang out with friends and work at the Outreach Center as a student caller! And being a recipient of a Hope Fund Scholarship, I am very thankful to have the chance to personally thank the generous alumni who make it possible for students like myself to attend this outstanding institution.

Currently I just wrapped up stage managing for an amazing production called, ME, MYSELF, AND I. We had the phenomenal Richard Hoehler as a guest director from New York come and work with a group of ten students in the span of two weeks. During those two weeks, the cast, who started off as writers, underwent writing workshops and created a seven minute monologue each about themselves and by the end of our first week, we had a finished script. The next and final week they went from writers to actors and worked on getting the show on it’s feet and then exactly two weeks from their first rehearsal and one week from our first read through of the script, we performed the pieces. I was so honored getting to stage manage for such a talented group of individuals who displayed such courage as they bared their raw souls to friends, family, and the Hope community. Next I’ll be assistant stage managing The Tempest and house managing Miss Julie.

Stay tuned . . .

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