Alumni & Family Engagement

Introducing the 10 Under 10 Alumni Award Recipients for 2023

I think my colleagues in Alumni Engagement are going to get sick of me saying: “This is such a great group of 10 Under 10 recipients!” You’d think we’d have hit a dud year by now. We haven’t.

When the 10 Under 10 Award Program began in 2018, I already had a vague understanding of how impactful and inspirational Hope’s young alumni could be. I had been able to interact with some true rock stars through various alumni programs. However, I could never have imagined how deep the well of incredible role models and global citizens would be. Every year it has been a joy to learn about and connect with 10 more alumni who are serving as agents of Hope by living faithfully into their vocations.

The 10 Under 10 Awards are designed to highlight our young alumni and demonstrate the amazing things they are able to accomplish in the short amount of time since their graduation. The 10 alumni who are honored with this award represent the many, many more graduates who are serving as role models for current Hope students.

It is my pleasure to introduce the 2023 10 Under 10 Award recipients:

Megan Altieri ’13 | Artist, Author & Founder of Sonder Articles 

Emily Armbruster ’13 | Senior Scientist at NanoImaging Services

Meredith Busman ’14 | Emergency Medicine Physician & Sub-Elite Marathoner

Parker Bussies ’14 | Obstetrics & Gynecology Resident Physician & Molecular Biology Ph.D. Candidate at Cleveland Clinic

Lauren Ezzo ’14 | Voice Actor & Audiobook Narrator

Gavin Midlam ’16 | Designer – Entrepreneur – Founder of The House of Leon

Alec Norkey ’13 | Ethnomusicology Researcher & Violinist

Sarah Jane Peterson ’15 | Research Psychology Postdoctoral Research Fellow at University of Michigan

Karly Ferguson ’15 Raklovits | Therapist at Bronson Sexual Assault Services 

Regina Sanchez-Gonzalez ’15 | Recruiting Lead at Block (FKA Square)

We look forward to celebrating this cohort at the Under 10 Soirée, as part of One Big Weekend, on Friday, October 13 from 7-9 p.m. Please join us at Piek Events in Tulyp Hotel for an evening of connection and fun! 

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