Women's and Gender Studies

Claiming My Education: Could Hope Be More Inclusive? An Event Review

Claiming My Education: Could Hope Be More Inclusive? An Event Review

by Kelly Gotham

“Student Feature” is our newest addition to the WGS blog. Student-scholars enrolled in WGS courses have consented to share their experiences inside and outside the classroom with the Hope community. Today, one student reviews the April 9, 2019 event, “Could Hope Be More Inclusive?”

On April 9, 2019, I attended the event, “Could Hope Be More Inclusive?,” a student research and activism showcase run by the “Challenging Bodies: Disability, Gender, and Culture” Cultural Heritage class, taught by Dr. Christiana Salah.  

There were several groups presenting about a number of topics, and I walked around to each group’s station to learn more. I could say a lot about each topic, but I will keep it brief.

I thought the event was very well presented and I learned more about how Hope is trying to be a more inclusive campus. A few things there had already been discussed in my WGS 200 class like how Dykstra is not accessible and the need for Gender Inclusive Housing. Something I had never thought of before this event, however, was making the Pull accessible and having an online portal for CAPS.

I have a friend who lived in Dykstra and had to be moved to Cook Hall because she injured her back severely and is unable to use stairs. It is so sad that she was not able to continue living where she has been comfortable all year and be with her friends because of Dykstra’s inaccessibility. It seems like Hope pushes important issues aside because it costs too much to resolve, and that is somewhat concerning. Taking this class and going to this event really broadened my perspective on these topics and now I can share the information I learned with others. Overall, I think the event was very informative and something people should be talking about more. All of the issues presented are important, and I hope they can be adopted. 


Are you a WGS major or minor? Or are you enrolled in a WGS course? Would you like to contribute to “Student Feature”? Email wgs AT hope DOT edu.

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