Podcast Recommendations you Should Listen to During Black History Month

Since coming to college, I have driven back and forth from Chicago and Hope countless times. After hours of listening to music, the words eventually blend together and the music becomes as monotonous as the road ahead of me. Lately, when my music becomes background noise, I switch over to podcasts. Not only can you …

More Books you should read during Black History Month

As we prepare for Kwame Alexander’s virtual visit to Hope College at the end of the month, I encourage you to continue to read our AARI recommended texts. Today, we’re thrilled to share even more book recommendations from our friends in the Black Student Union at Hope College.  The Vignes twin sisters will always be …

Book Recommendations you Should Read During Black History Month

As an English Education professor, I’m involved in an organization called the National Council of Teachers of English. This organization is dedicated to “improving the teaching and learning of English and the language arts at all levels of education”. Over the past 20 years, I’ve attended its conferences, subscribed to its publications, and used the …